Things You Can Only Find In India That Are Bizarre, Unique, And Expensive

Published on 10/24/2023

Red Rain

Found in: Idukki, Kerala
Est. Cost: N/A

Kerala’s southwestern district is noted for its gorgeous beaches with stunning blue waters, black sands, and the red rains that have fallen from the sky at random during the last two centuries. Since it was originally documented in 1818, there have been numerous ideas as to what caused the ‘blood rain.’ One notion that was floated was the aftermath from a supposed meteor blast. Another is the Hindu belief that when it rains blood, individuals who have not committed sin perish. Since then, the Indian government has proposed a less out-of-this-world explanation: airborne spores from a local strain of algae.

Red Rain

Red Rain


Mannequins that look real

Found in: Nationwide
Est. Cost: $200-$1,000

One of the finest methods to market a product is to put it on display for all to see, which is exactly what retailers do when they outfit mannequins in clothing and place them in all of the best vantage points throughout the store. The issue is that relatively few clients are the same size as the display dummy. In several big Indian towns, businesses have begun to use mannequins that are considerably more akin to the typical person’s form than what you’d expect to see at Abercrombie & Fitch. The dummies feature curves, contours, and ‘dad-bods’ to help determine how well a piece of clothing will fit.

Realistic Mannequins

Mannequins that look real