Things You Can Only Find In India That Are Bizarre, Unique, And Expensive

Published on 10/24/2023

India is a spiritual country with a rich history dating back thousands of years and a population that has already surpassed 1.4 billion people. There will be a new surprise around every corner as one walks down the streets of Mumbai, Jaipur, Agra, New Delhi, Kerala, or Varanasi. India has something for everyone, whether it’s one of the world’s most iconic landmarks, ‘blood rain,’ a floating lake, or one of its 2,000,000+ Hindu temples. There isn’t enough time in the world to visit them all, but let’s have a look at some of the weird, pricey, and oddly bizarre things India has to offer.

Bizarre, Unusual, And Expensive Things You Only See In India

Things You Can Only Find In India That Are Bizarre, Unique, And Expensive


Face Masks in Gold

Found in: Prune
Est. Cost: $4,000*

The world was attempting to deal with an invisible enemy in the summer of 2020, and vaccines were hardly a blip on the radar. However, a man from the western Indian city of Prune took matters into his own hands in terms of self-defense. Shankar Kurhade, a businessman, commissioned a craftsman to create a Covid mask out of two ounces of gold, the most valuable metal available. Shankar claims that the mask is very thin and has extremely small pores, allowing him to breathe comfortably while wearing his personalized mask in public.

Gold Face Masks

Face Masks in Gold