Things You Can Only Find In India That Are Bizarre, Unique, And Expensive

Published on 10/24/2023

Extreme Electrical Lines

Found in: Nationwide  
Est. Cost: N/A

As more people move to a city, the demand for extra electric lines grows. Because of the unfathomable number of people who live in India’s most densely populated areas, the power lines are a complete mess. There are cables upon cables upon cables, each of which is linked to a half dozen (or more) others. Untangling headphone cables no longer seems so difficult after viewing this. Given the continual possibility of impending danger, it’s surprising that electricians aren’t one of India’s most revered occupations.

Extreme Electrical Lines

Extreme Electrical Lines


2 Million Hindu Temples

Found in: Nationwide
Est. Cost: N/A

The spectacular mosques, temples, and tombs that have become emblems of the nation over the years are among the many historical wonders that India is recognized for. In India, there are about two million Hindu temples (and another 300,000 Muslim mosques), with 23,000 Hindu temples in the riverfront city of Varanasi alone. To put things into perspective, India has more Hindu temples than the countries of Bahrain, Estonia, and Latvia combined. However, given that India’s Hindu population accounts for about 80% of the country’s 1.4 billion people, two million temples appear feasible, if not excessive.

2 Million Hindu Temples

2 Million Hindu Temples