20+ Foods That Are Now Banned From The Public

Published on 11/10/2023

Betty Crocker Fudge Brownie Mix

Banned in: Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, and Denmark
Reason: Contains Partially Hydrogenated Soybean & Cottonseed Oil
Est. Global Sales: $18.127 billion per year for General Mills*

Boxed baking mixes are popular with young families who want to spend time in the kitchen without the hassle and price of traditional baking. However, a recent trans fat restriction in Europe and the United States has targeted several of these items, including the Betty Crocker Fudge Brownie Mix. Cottonseed oil and partly hydrogenated soybean oil are both present in this product. Cottonseed oil is heavy in saturated fat, and partly hydrogenated soybean oil has been shown to significantly elevate cholesterol levels. In excessive quantities, they can be exceedingly hazardous to the human body when combined.

Betty Crocker Fudge Brownie Mix

Betty Crocker Fudge Brownie Mix


Halal and Kosher Meat

Banned in: Greece
Reason: Ruled as a Violation of Animal Welfare Acts
Est. Global Sales: $2.6 trillion per year for halal foods in total*

Halal meat is a source of dispute in many nations, as many people believe this technique of meat preparation to be unethical. Halal slaughtering entails murdering animals without first stunning them, as is typical practice in non-halal abattoirs. This is comparable to Kosher meat, albeit there are some variances, such as which parts of the animals cannot be consumed. Greece prohibited Halal and Kosher slaughter because their government concluded it violated Animal Welfare Acts because the animals are conscious when slaughtered. This drew some criticism, given Greece still allows some contentious foods, such as foie gras.

Halal And Kosher Meat

Halal And Kosher Meat