Tom admitted he hadn’t seen Suri for months shortly after the divorce
Many admirers weren’t prepared for Tom Cruise to abruptly vanish from his daughter’s life following his divorce from Katie Holmes. But only a few months after their breakup, in 2012, it came out in a defamation case that he had not seen Suri for more than a hundred days. It was “impossible” to see her, in his opinion. It appears that his assertion about the reason for the separation was related to his employment. It seems like Cruise was too preoccupied with one of his movies to make time to see his youngest daughter. However, not everyone was persuaded. Not only had Tom and Katie recently separated, but Suri’s father appeared to have already abandoned his daughter.

Tom Admitted He Hadn’t Seen Suri For Months Shortly After The Divorce
The actor missed his daughter’s first day of school
When it was subsequently revealed that Tom Cruise wasn’t present for Suri’s first day of school, the already stated distance between him and his daughter just got worse. Fans anticipated the actor to show up because it’s a significant event for a lot of kids. But he never did turn up, and it seems with good cause. It appears that Suri did not request his presence. Cruise claims that she never brought it up over the phone. It would seem that he saw no need to go to New York. Presumably, his absence that day was also due to job obligations and concerns about media scrutiny.

The Actor Missed His Daughter’s First Day Of School