Let’s Find Out What Happened To The McCaughey Septuplets, Twenty Years Later

Published on 09/21/2020

Gifts From Birth

Each state university offered full scholarships in the state of Iowa. When they were born, Hannibal-LaGrange University also offered them full scholarships! Aside from these generous college rants, when it came to necessities, they have received assistance. Also, even a company offered them a supply of something they needed for life!

Gifts From Birth

Gifts From Birth


The Generosity Of Strangers

To help the family out, friends and companies were there. The family lived in a small town called Carlisle with 3,200 people, many of whom held fundraisers for the McCaughey. A lifetime supply of Pampers diapers was also provided to them by Procter & Gamble Co.

The Generosity Of Strangers The Generosity Of Strangers