Visit To The White House
Have you ever imagined stepping into the White House and meeting the President of America, thanking you for everything you did? That may have been the case for the McCaughey family because they had been invited by the President himself to visit the White House for a short time. What an advantage, no? Oh, after taking the world’s news, who wouldn’t meet the beautiful family?

Visit To The White House
Scholarships From The Get-Go
It is not much easier to raise seven children at once, particularly financially. The preference of Bobbi McCaughey to reduce her risk of pregnancy and childbirth complications was the selective reduction. It may also have been an incentive for them to assist their children in giving them a better life. But all seven children were rejected and held by Bobbi. She said they would “leave it in the hands of God.” After childbirth, both private and public supporters offered immense support.

Scholarships From The Get-Go