40+ Dubious Photos Taken By Real Estate Agents While On The Job

Published on 06/14/2022

Stairway To The Throne

We’re all for making the most of every square inch of space in your home, and it appears that this is a bathroom hidden beneath closed-off stairs. The rest of the room appears to be regular, with neutral colors and what appears to be a standard tub. The steps leading up to the toilet, on the other hand, give new meaning to the phrase “stairway to heaven.” In this residence, getting to the bowl in the middle of the night appears to be a far more risky undertaking.

Stairway To The Throne

Stairway To The Throne


Kitchen Clutter

This photograph has a lot going on! These homeowners should have held a yard sale before publishing this listing, it appears. Every inch of space has been jammed with ornaments and trinkets, resulting in an extremely crowded kitchen. With so much to look at, it can be tough to pick out the odd. However, we adore the organized cart in the center, and having a genuine teapot on the stove is absolutely great.

Cluttered Kitchen

Kitchen Clutter