It could have been more worse
There were only 710 people who survived the sinking of the Titanic out of a total of 2,224 people that were on board. This is one of the worst catastrophes in contemporary history. Despite the fact that the loss of life was extensively grieved and has been recorded in history, the tragedy may have actually been much more severe. However, due to the fact that Titanic was much below capacity on her first voyage, her maximum capacity was really 3,327 passengers.

It could have been more worse
Third Class Died First
The majority of the passengers on the ship were families traveling in third class who were eager to begin new lives in the United States. When the ship began to flood, these passenger rooms, which were located toward the ship’s bottom, were among the first to undergo flooding. For the purpose of maintaining a separation between third class and the other classes, there were gates in the stairwells that were secured. In the middle of the turmoil, the stewards were unable to open all of the gates, which resulted in a significant number of passengers becoming trapped below decks and suffering fatal drowning.

Third Class Died First