Before her first voyage, the RMS Titanic, one of three Olympic-class ocean liners built at the turn of the century, was promoted as the “unsinkable ship.” She was designed with modern technology, including steel rivets, which were stronger than iron. From destitute immigrants to celebrities, everyone bought tickets for the luxury ship’s inaugural journey. Some were moving to America. Other business travelers returned home. Others wanted a fun seafaring vacation. All these preparations were dashed when the Titanic, the unsinkable ship, hit an iceberg and sank in under three hours on April 14, 1912. The only record of these events is survivors’ testimonies, however these photographs can give one an impression of life on the tragic ship. Look at these rare Titanic images and try not to shiver as you imagine that tragic night.

30+ Rare Titanic Photos Guaranteed To Give You Goosebumps
She was named ‘Titanic’ for a reason
The Royal Mail Ship Titanic was the largest passenger ship in the world when it was first introduced to the public in 1912. Simply put, there was nothing else that could compare to it in terms of its length of 882 feet, height of 175 feet, and weight of 46,328 tons. The monumental size of the ship contributed to the almost mythological air that surrounded it, and it made the sinking of the ship even more frightening.

She was named ‘Titanic’ for a reason