Parking lot
Jamie was of the opinion that they were probably just running late. Stacy’s unpredictable behavior and chronic tardiness were both hallmarks of her character. He exited the lobby and made the decision to wait for them in the parking lot after leaving the building. However, as he drove closer to the parking lot, he finally saw them and was taken aback by the unpleasantness of the situation…

Parking Lot
Getting out of a vehicle
Jamie was able to catch a glimpse of Stacy and Lauren as they exited a pick-up truck and waved goodbye as the vehicle sped off. As they hurried toward the foyer, they didn’t initially notice Jamie waiting for them there. When he glanced at them, he realized how much his wife had evolved over the past few years. She appeared to be quite underweight, and he had a hard time recognizing her. What exactly did take place while he was away?

Getting out of a vehicle