Pics We Can’t Help But Laugh At

Published on 12/29/2021


Sometimes it can be quite a fight for the window seat. Often these days, seats are pre-booked and you might see your kids fight for the window seat. What is more difficult to anticipate is that your window seat, might not actually be a window seat at all! We suppose this might only be the case for one or two rows of the plane, but this kid certainly had some bad luck and didn’t hesitate to express his unhappiness!




Seriously Dry

This dryer has taken drying clothes to a whole new level. How do we dry clothes? Using heat. We guess the hotter an area is, the quicker your clothing will dry, right? Well, this might be a step too far. Sure fire is hot, but it will also burn your clothes to a crisp.

Seriously Dry

Seriously Dry