Pics We Can’t Help But Laugh At

Published on 12/29/2021

A Lengthy Update

If any of you are mathematics wizzes, perhaps you will know that 100% is essentially the maximum. For example, if you have 5 apples, and you give away 5 apples, you’ve given away 100% of your apples. Sometimes regarding interest or cash, you can make 150% profit for example, showing You’ve doubled your money back and then another 50 percent. With your updates on your computer however, the max should only ever be 100. This computer is having a laugh!

A Lengthy Update

A Lengthy Update


Always Count On Yourself

This was allegedly a SWAT team from France. If you want something done well, you know what they say: do it yourself. That obviously includes preserving your own life rather than relying on a SWAT team.

Always Count On Yourself

Always Count On Yourself