Pics We Can’t Help But Laugh At

Published on 12/29/2021

Rude Passport

Sometimes we take pictures from certain angles which just don’t do us justice. Our forehead looks a little big, our face looks full and we look bigger than we are. Let’s go back to the forehead one. Often we can actually take a normal photo, and a friend might use an app to elongate the forehead as a joke. Well, even real institutions like the State Department might do that too.. Just look at this girl’s passport photo! They did her dirty here.

Rude Passport

Rude Passport


Big Magnet

Were you aware that an MRI machine is a basically a giant magnet? Possibly. We are sure most people are aware that people are told to remove anything metal before entering an MRI, but sometimes we guess people can forget. Just like these workers, who obviously forgot about this massive metal trailer in the room before turning it on.

Big Magnet

Big Magnet