30+ Shocking Moments When ‘Karens’ Thought Their Entitlement Could Get Them Anything!

Published on 09/13/2023

Not the Time or Place

Anyone who has ever worked in a grocery shop knows that it is not as simple as it appears. This person was attempting to explain how, as an Aldi employee, they are pressured to move as swiftly as possible. Pushing someone to move faster, on the other hand, involves giving them less time to avoid mistakes. This is not always the cashier’s fault. However, it appears that the thread found a genuine Karen who was not scared to blame them.

Not The Time Or Place

Not The Time Or Place


That’s Not a Date

Dating may be a difficult experience. Sometimes it seems that for every amazing date you have, there are plenty that are an embarrassing experience or reveal that you are simply incompatible. We can’t help but sympathize with this individual. Given that they brought two pals, we can’t blame their date for refusing to pay for a tripled cost. According to the second comment, it appears that they learned to at least inquire about bringing friends to a date before showing up with pals.

That’s Not A Date

That’s Not A Date