30+ Shocking Moments When ‘Karens’ Thought Their Entitlement Could Get Them Anything!

Published on 09/13/2023

There’s a Point Here

Yelp is a fantastic resource in principle. It was created to allow consumers to submit reviews for their favorite (or least favorite) restaurants so that others might make an informed decision before visiting. The bad news is that this isn’t quite as reliable as it should be. For one thing, Karens abound. This involves a variety of strategies. False or unfavorable evaluations for things that were overstated or were not the fault of the personnel or restaurant are examples of this.

There’s A Point Here

There’s A Point Here


Faced with the Consequences

When you decide to go somewhere, the location may have entry requirements. Dress codes or, in this case, a temperature check are examples of this. You are free to refuse those criteria, but doing so may result in your exclusion from the firm. This is exactly what happened to this man when he attempted to visit Disney World. Worse, the individual persisted in causing a problem because he wanted in despite not matching their qualifications.

Facing The Consequences

Faced with the Consequences