The Strict Guidelines You Must Follow As An Ellen Audience Member

Published on 04/18/2023

Rain Or Shine, The Taping Will Go On

The show’s start time fluctuates throughout the week, so it’s critical to know what the weather will be like. Even while Southern California is mostly sunny, it does get rain on occasion. You may have to wait outside without a roof, so plan ahead of time. The coordination staff will do their best to make you comfortable, but they cannot control the weather.

Rain Or Shine, The Taping Will Go On

Rain Or Shine, The Taping Will Go On


You Should Not Take Advantage Of Her Generosity

Most people are aware that Ellen is generous with her show’s prizes. You should not, however, take advantage of this! Each person in the audience only gets one of each item. If you try to take more than that, the host will make fun of you! Nancy has firsthand knowledge of this.

You Should Not Take Advantage Of Her Generosity

You Should Not Take Advantage Of Her Generosity