The Shocking Truth Behind A Doctor’s Refusal To Help A Pregnant Patient

Published on 10/21/2023

Losing a Parent

At 4 p.m., the heart monitor next to Sarah’s hospital bed began to make a noise. “She’s flatlining,” shouted one doctor. Zachary and Thomas clung to one other as they watched doctors and nurses attempt to resuscitate their mother. After 30 minutes of trying, they withdrew with gloomy faces and expressed their sympathies to the family. Archie stormed out of the room, leaving Zachary sobbing and clutching his older brother. Thomas felt a numbness spread throughout his body, and he knew this would change his life forever. He had no idea how correct he would be.

Losing A Parent

Losing A Parent


Studying Hard

Thomas suddenly realized what was going on. To him, going to the grocery shop was always worthless and meaningless. He started working harder in school, concentrating on his scientific studies and investigating suitable institutions. From the moment his mother died, he knew he wanted to go to medical school and become a doctor. He would not stand by and watch people suffer. He applied to the greatest schools in the country during his senior year of high school. When he finally heard back from his top option, he ran to tell his father and brother. Their reactions, however, were not what Thomas had expected.

Studying Hard

Studying Hard