You Never Knew You Can Use Baking Soda This Way

Published on 12/29/2019

Pet Bed Odors

Even if you love your dog more than any human in your life, sometimes the odors and bad smells that come with your futty friend can be too much to handle. If your pet’s bed is getting smelly or just needs a bit of a sprucing-up, sprinkle baking soda on the bed and let it sit for fifteen minutes. After this, vacuum it up. The bed should be odorless and good to go.

Pet Bed Odors


Canker Sores

Canker sores are one of those very annoying things that pops up out of nowhere and causes us extreme pain, and the best way to get rid of them is still up for debate. Luckily, we’ve discovered something that we think works pretty well. All you need to do is rinse your mouth with a baking soda and water mixture twice per day until it’s gone. That’s it, it’s really that easy!

Canker Sores