You Never Knew You Can Use Baking Soda This Way

Published on 12/29/2019


Even though calluses don’t really pose serious health risks, that does not change the fact that they are uncomfortable or even painful when applying pressure onto your feet, like when you’re walking. It has recently been shown that soaking your feet in a baking soda bath can help soften the heels and even help to remove scabs and release pain and pressure.



Oil Or Grease Fire

Were you aware that most fire extinguishers contain baking soda inside? It’s true. Baking soda reacts with the carbon dioxide which helps to put out the fire. What this means is that baking soda can be used to put out very small or minor fires, but not big ones, as the carbon dioxide can actually counter the baking soda and make the fire worse. We recommend just calling professionals if you encounter a fire.

Oil Or Grease Fire