Things You Can Only Find In India That Are Bizarre, Unique, And Expensive

Published on 10/24/2023

Monsoon Season

Found in: Nationwide
Est. Cost: N/A

Northern Australia experiences cyclone season, the southeastern United States experiences hurricane season, and India experiences monsoonal rains. The primary distinction between the three is that most dwellings in India are not built well enough or in safe enough locations to withstand annual flooding. Locals have gotten accustomed to the monsoon season and the flooded living room that it brings. It appears around May/June and stays until September/October, so get a decent pair of beach shorts and a comfy pair of Crocs because you’re going to get wet.

Monsoon Season

Monsoon Season


Elephants on Small Boats

Found in: Various Rivers and Lakes Across the Country
Est. Cost: N/A

When an elephant is involved, there is always the possibility that things would go horribly wrong, and elephants are abundant in India. Surprisingly, there aren’t quite as many elephant accidents as one might assume, but this isn’t due to a lack of risky practices. Transporting an elephant cannot be easy, yet India appears to have mastered the art. The people of India have devised innovative ways to transport the world’s largest land mammal from point A to point B, whether by truck, train, or even water.

Elephants On Small Boats

Elephants On Small Boats