Things You Can Only Find In India That Are Bizarre, Unique, And Expensive

Published on 10/24/2023

Fish Swallowing Asthma “Cure”

Found in: Hyderabad
Est. Cost: $0.20 – $0.66* / Treatment

The Hyderabad-based Goud family claims to have developed a home medicine “miracle cure” for asthma. They won’t tell doctors what’s in it, and they won’t let it be tested, but they claim a 100% success rate provided the “treatment” is followed exactly. All you have to do is show up for treatment at the start of the monsoon season every year (for seven years) and swallow a little live fish linked to a ball of yellow paste (containing unidentified components). Then for 45 days, you must consume nothing but dried mango, rice, sugar, spinach, lamb, and 20 other extremely specific items. Doesn’t it sound simple?

Fish Swallowing Asthma “Cure”

Fish Swallowing Asthma “Cure”


A Dog Temple

Found in: Channaptna, Karnataka
Est. Cost: Unknown

In the southern central town of Channapatna, a temple was built close to the Goddess Kempamma’s temple (the deity most revered by the inhabitants) in 2010, after the Goddess is reported to have visited a man in his dream and commanded him to do so. The new temple was erected in memory of two local dogs who had gone without a trace. Statues of the missing dogs now stand proudly within the temple’s walls, and Channapatna hosts an annual festival commemorating the life of the lost canines.

A Dog Temple

A Dog Temple