Things You Can Only Find In India That Are Bizarre, Unique, And Expensive

Published on 10/24/2023

Makeshift Transportation

Found in: Nationwide
Est. Cost: Varies

With an average monthly wage in India of $400-$450, it would take nearly fifty years to accumulate enough money to purchase a new, fairly priced compact automobile. Many villagers have taken to “Frankensteining” homemade autos rather than waiting till old age for their own vehicle. They’re not the most beautiful things in the world, and they’re certainly not the safest. Most vehicles built are far below the quality of a Ford Focus, yet they will get their drivers where they need to go.

Makeshift Transportation

Makeshift Transportation


Gold Encrusted Donuts

Found in: Various Locations
Est. Cost: $100*

Donuts have long been a popular breakfast snack in the United States. However, in other parts of the world, like as India (and perhaps Dubai), the ringed pastry that goes so well with a morning coffee is much more than a one-dollar sugary treat that provides that much-needed energy boost. These gold-encrusted donuts will not be available at any Dunkin’ Donuts or DNUT outlet. They are only available via special order and cost around $100 each. If you want to make your own gold rings at home, you may purchase a jar containing 17.6 ounces of gold flakes for 3000 rupees ($40*).

Gold Encrusted Donuts

Gold Encrusted Donuts