Things You Can Only Find In India That Are Bizarre, Unique, And Expensive

Published on 10/24/2023

Mysterious Skeleton Lake

Found in: Himalayas
Est. Cost: N/A

The Himalayan mountain range has the world’s tallest peaks as well as numerous of the world’s most distant lakes. One of these lakes, located 16,470 feet above sea level, has a sad history. More than 300 skeletons were unearthed near the shores of Roopkund (Skeleton Lake), and the remains belonged to three different groups. So, what became of them? Some scholars believe that individuals discovered beneath the surface of Skeleton Lake died during a terrible hailstorm in the 9th century. That doesn’t explain how the few hundred other human remains discovered in the lake’s shallow water died. This could be one of those mysteries that will never be solved.

Mysterious Skeleton Lake

Mysterious Skeleton Lake


Step Wells

Found in: Gujarat
Est. Cost: N/A

The ancient step wells of northern India are just another of the enormous South Asian country’s unanswered mysteries. These wells, which are said to have been erected in the sixth century, have served a variety of purposes over the years. Initially, step-wells were primarily used to obtain water. They evolved into storage and irrigation tanks over time. Villagers eventually began to use them to get to riverbeds and ponds to wash their clothes, bathe, and attend religious ceremonies. The largest is appropriately named Chand Baori. It descends about 100 feet below the surface via a set of 3,500 stairs divided across thirteen levels.

Step Wells

Step Wells