19 Old Wedding Customs That No Bride Today Would Ever Do

Published on 06/13/2022

2. Hide In A Veil

It was completely conceivable for a man to sign up for marriage without even seeing his desired wife back in the day. That’s where the veil comes in: it hides the woman’s face so the man can’t see her, protecting against a scenario in which he decides he doesn’t like her looks and backs out at the last minute. Fortunately, that’s one less thing to be concerned about these days.

2. Hiding Behind A Veil

2. Hide In A Veil


3. Inserting A Lucky Coin Into Your Shoes

Brides used to put a silver sixpence in their shoe, generally presented to them by their father, to bring them good luck on their wedding day. Blisters are another option. The original finish to the rhyme “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” was “and a silver sixpence in her shoe.”

3. Putting A Lucky Coin In Your Shoe

3. Inserting A Lucky Coin Into Your Shoes