30+ Clever And Hilarious Game Day Signs

Published on 10/21/2023

Wrong event

Someone is extremely perplexed. Mixing up which sport you’ve come to see is even worse than mixing up a football game with a Nickelback concert. When he was trying to get to a rock concert, he ended himself at the Ohio State-Michigan State game. He was either completely perplexed or trying to grab a few laughs. In any case, his sign ended up on TV, so he at least got the attention he was looking for.

Wrong Event

Wrong Event


Sorry, mom

We’re not even mad that he lied to his mother because he appears so pleased to be there. School is vital, but it’s good to miss a day of school every now and again for something truly important, like as the Brazil vs. Switzerland game. We understand this young man’s priorities, but the next time he should probably be honest with his mother in the first place, because she already knows where he was.

Sorry, Mom

Sorry, Mom