50+ Ideal Dog Breeds For Seniors And Children

Published on 12/07/2021

Manchester Terrier

If you’ve read thus far, you’ve probably concluded that terriers are an excellent choice for senior citizens. This smooth-haired dog breed originated in Manchester, England, and has since spread throughout the world. Important to note is that these dogs require a reasonable level of exercise on a weekly basis, but only a small amount of maintenance is required. It is well-known that the Manchester terrier is extremely playful and fun-loving, making him one of the best friends a person could ask for.

Manchester Terrier

Manchester Terrier


Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is another little terrier that is becoming increasingly popular, and after reading this article, you will understand why. Their demeanor is incredible; not only are they extremely bright, but they are also active, energetic, and at times, even naughty. Additionally, due to their constant alertness and activity, this dog breed makes an excellent watchdog for the home. Despite the fact that they are good for elders, they enjoy being active, therefore they may be better suited for owners who appreciate getting some exercise on a regular basis.

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier