50+ Ideal Dog Breeds For Seniors And Children

Published on 12/07/2021


Known as the Biewer Terrier, this is a unique canine breed that shares genetics with the Yorkshire Terrier. The truth is that hardly many people have either heard of or seen this stunning canine before. They are one of the tiniest canines on the planet, but they are also one of the most affectionate. One of the most advantageous characteristics of this breed is that they do not shed excessively, making them ideal for individuals who are elderly. Additionally, they are quite lively, friendly, gentle, and like being in the company of other humans.




Irish Terrier

Yes, you were correct in your guess! The Irish Terrier is believed to have originated in Ireland and is one of the oldest terrier breeds still in existence. There has been some speculation that this breed can be highly aggressive, however this has not been proven to be true. This dog breed is extremely intelligent, as well as being a very independent dog that is eager to please. As an added bonus, Irish terriers are incredibly loyal to their owners, so seniors need not look any further; we have found the ideal dog specifically for you!

Irish Terrier

Irish Terrier