40 Photos That Appeared Ordinary Until We Looked Closer

Published on 09/08/2021

Remember To Double-Check Your Backgrounds

Even the best photograph can be spoiled by a bad background. After all, you don’t want the attention diverted from the main subject to the drama unfolding behind it. The woman in this shot simply wanted to show off her new tattoo, and she did an excellent job of catching her best angles while she was at it. Unfortunately, her golden dog chose to drink from the toilet while she was taking her selfie.

Remember To Double Check Your Backgrounds

Remember To Double Check Your Backgrounds


Should That Be There?

A toy cash register is a familiar sight in the toy boxes of many young children. After all, pretending to work at a grocery store or restaurant is something practically every child has done. On the other hand, this normal-looking cash register has something problematic for the age range it’s designed for. Near the top of the toy, there are several phony buttons for everyday products such as apples, fish, butter, and… alcoholic beverages? We’re sure some parents were dissatisfied when they noticed this.

Should That Be There

Should That Be There