30+ Surprising Valuable Discoveries Found In The Most Unexpected Places

Published on 10/24/2023

Strange Figures Found Along The Alaskan Shore

Location: Alaska, America
Year Discovered: 2015
Est. Value: Priceless

Some Alaskans were taken aback a few years ago when they discovered a group of frightening figures lingering in the ice and snow on the desolate shoreline of Point Woronzof, near Anchorage. From a distance, they appeared to be genuine individuals in distress. The ominous patterns, however, turned out to be an art piece by Sarah Davies. Inspired by her own undetected sickness, Davies created more than 85 humanoid sculptures that symbolized the “physical encapsulation of hundreds of unique experiences of vulnerability,” according to Buzzfeed News.

Strange Figures Found Along The Alaskan Shore

Strange Figures Found Along The Alaskan Shore


A Secret Mummy Found in a Statue

Location: China
Year Discovered: 1990
Est. Value: $80,000*

This ancient, thousand-year-old Buddha statue was precious enough on its own, but what experts discovered inside it in 1990 astounded them. These historians were conducting experiments on the Buddha idol in order to restore it to its former, gleaming beauty. The results of the testing would indicate the optimum course of action for the restoration. Scientists were astounded to discover a human skeleton while taking an X-ray to identify what the statue was composed of. The statue was actually a sarcophagus for a mummy, not a statue. As a result, the scientists opted to keep the burial site as the planned ultimate resting place.

A Secret Mummy Found In A Statue

A Secret Mummy Found In A Statue