Priya Koothrappali – The Big Bang Theory
Aarti Mann showed up in The Big Bang Theory to play Raj’s younger sister. Many fans think of her as the main antagonist of season four. She was a corporate lawyer, and the fans have not liked her ever since she first appeared on the show. Part of this has to do with how she cheated on Leonard. The breakup happened in the seventh episode of season five. Of course, she and Penny did not get along!

Priya Koothrappali – The Big Bang Theory
Cousin Oliver – The Brady Bunch
Robbie Rist played Cousin Oliver on The Brady Bunch. However, people disliked the character so much that it developed into a trope called” Cousin Oliver Syndrome.” This is used to describe a young character introduced to an old show that needs to mix things up. Sadly, many people think that this typecast only ruins shows. Oliver was kind of like a human magnet for disaster. He caused a lot of problems and made the series feel unbalanced. Today agrees that Cousin Oliver “killed” the series. Oof.

Cousin Oliver – The Brady Bunch