James Severn
Net worth: $300 million*
Title: Viscount Severn
Young James Viscount Severn is set to inherit hundreds of millions of pounds. He is the son of Prince Edward and Countess Sophie. While James may have had the title of Prince, his parents decided otherwise. They felt that the title “Prince” was overwhelming and put a lot of responsibility on someone so young. Instead, they chose the earl title Lord Severn to use in court. However, because of his Welsh heritage, he is referred to as Viscount Severn in the media and elsewhere. In addition, a lake in Canada bears his name.

James Severn
Sarah Chatto
Net worth: $18 million*
Title: Lady Sarah Chatto
Lady Sarah Chatto, the only daughter of Anthony Armstrong-Jones and Princess Margaret, was born sixth in line to the throne. As time passed, that spot slid to 23rd. She remains a well-known member of the royal family. Lady Sarah Chatto earns a career as an artist, painting outstanding landscape works that have been exhibited throughout the country. She is married to actor Daniel Chatto, whom she met during a film shoot in India for James Ivory’s Heat and Dust.

Sarah Chatto