40+ Dubious Photos Taken By Real Estate Agents While On The Job

Published on 06/14/2022

Outdoor Meeting Area

This lovely townhouse has a lot of potentials, although it all feels a little run down. Is this the greatest method to sell a home? Although having seats outside can be a terrific way to enjoy some sun and alfresco dining, we don’t sure this outdoor space filled with office chairs is entirely what they had in mind. However, location is crucial, and judging by the stunning graffiti artwork on the walls, this property is clearly in a cool area of town.

Outdoor Meeting Area

Outdoor Meeting Area


Sidewalk Living Room

We all enjoy unwinding on the sofa at the end of the day, but I guess it might be a little claustrophobic in this small sitting room. The wallpaper appears to be on its final legs, and the carpet/floor gives the impression that this was built on a sidewalk. We’re confident this is what a new tenant would consider when looking for a new place to live. We hope the couch comes with the home because it looks quite comfortable.

Sidewalk Living Room

Sidewalk Living Room