40+ Dubious Photos Taken By Real Estate Agents While On The Job

Published on 06/14/2022

Animal Mural

This incredible artwork was undoubtedly produced by a talented artist. There are numerous exquisite features, and the animals are really realistic. However, it appears that this is far too exciting for the person sleeping in this room. How does one sleep at night when there is so much to look at? Even the ceiling is covered in a vivid blue sky from wall to wall. We hope whoever bought this house did not cover up this masterpiece.

Animal Mural

Animal Mural


Water Closet

Bathrooms come in different forms and sizes, but this tiny bathroom beneath the stairs may be going too far. There isn’t enough space to swing a cat in there, let alone use the toilet, like in Harry Potter’s original bedroom. Furthermore, we are concerned about the lack of a sink – where would one wash their hands? At least the owners of this house were kind enough to put some tiles on the floor…

Water Closet

Water Closet