The Iceberg Stayed Afloat Nearby
The day after the Titanic sank, a steward on another ship captured an unsettling photograph of a big iceberg. This photograph, which shows a visible black mark on the side of the berg, served as a disturbing reminder of what had occurred the day before.

The Iceberg Stayed Afloat Nearby
The Youngest Passenger Became Famous
Elizabeth Gladys Millvina Dean, the Titanic’s youngest surviving passenger, was nine months old when she boarded the ship with her mother, father, and elder brother, Bertram. She escaped with her mother and brother, but her father was killed in the sinking. Gladys’ family was scheduled to move to America, but after her husband died, her mother decided to return to Southampton. Millvina was characterized as “the darling of the ship” throughout the voyage back to England.

The Youngest Passenger Became Famous