The sitcom Charlie’s Angels aired on ABC in the 1970s, and Lucy Kate Jackson portrayed Sabrina Duncan on the show. She established herself further by acting in Scarecrow and Mrs. King. She continued to accept jobs until 2009. In 2010, she filed a lawsuit against Richard B. Francis, accusing him of stealing nearly $3 million of her hard-earned money. Later that year, they struck an undisclosed deal. Jackson is 73 years old and keeps a quiet profile these days. She’s been working on memoirs since signing a deal with Gallery Books in 2010. The most recent update predicted that they will be released sometime before 2021.
Maggie Smith teamed up with Kathleen Turner for an appearance at a steamy event in April 2021. Smith rose to prominence as a result of her work in the Harry Potter film series, but she is also well-known for her role in the period drama Downton Abbey. After finding she had Graves’ illness, she underwent eye surgery and radiotherapy in 1988. The Sunday Telegraph announced in 2007 that Smith had breast cancer, although an update two years later stated that she had totally recovered. That’s why, at the age of 86, she’s hard at work on an upcoming role in The Miracle Club.