Remember ‘Octomom’? Take A Look At What Their Family Has Been Up To

Published on 11/16/2021

Welcome to This World, Elijah!

Carrying several infants during pregnancy isn’t seen as a risk by everyone, especially if they want twins or triplets. Despite the fact that Nadya had given up hope of producing twins or triplets, the IVF operation was a huge success. It was a big hit, and Nadya gave birth to her first child, a gorgeous baby boy named Elijah, in 2001. Nadya had finally attained her objective after all of her efforts, but she wasn’t done yet; she was just getting started.

Welcome to This World, Elijah!

Welcome to This World, Elijah!


Babies, Babies, And More Babies!

Nadya gave birth to another IVF kid, a daughter named Amerah, a year after giving birth to Elijah. Nadya’s need for children is not satiated with two children, as it is for many other people. Her great IVF experience increased her desire for more children and encouraged her to try other therapies. She went on to have fraternal twins and two more children, bringing her total to six at the time! Despite the fact that in countries like the United States, six children is more than plenty, Nadya felt obliged to have even more after the birth of her sixth child.

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Babies, Babies, And More Babies!