Grilled Salmon
Besides being delicious, salmon provides a plethora of health benefits. Salmon is high in protein, making it a slow-digesting food that keeps you feeling full for a long time. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals that will help to kickstart your metabolism. Salmon can be prepared in a variety of ways, but we recommend grilling it in order to preserve the most nutritional benefits for your overall health. While salmon may be more expensive than other protein sources, it may be used to replace meats that are high in harmful fats and hence hazardous for your cardiovascular health.

Grilled Salmon
The following vegetable should be included in your vegetable rotation if you are serious about growing muscle. This Japanese appetizer is a delicious way to get some protein snacks in your diet. Edamame has around 18 grams of protein per cup of cooked edamame. It also contains a high concentration of minerals and vitamins. If you’re searching for a fun treat to enjoy on a cheat day, consider dipping these tasty bean pods in soy sauce or just adding them to a Japanese-inspired recipe.
