What Her Social Media Accounts Told Us
Unfortunately, they did not have a valid justification to arrest the females at the moment. The Neese couple had been in pain as the police continued their investigation. They only wanted to know what happened to Skylar and, if possible, bring her home safely. Because all three of the females were quite active on Twitter and Facebook, social media provided them with a few hints. Skylar tweeted the day before her disappearance, “Sick of being at fu**ing home.” Thank you ‘friends,’ I enjoy getting out with you all as well.” She also tweeted, “You doing s*** like that is why I can NEVER completely trust you.”

What Her Social Media Accounts Told Us
They also discovered her journal
Skylar felt left out, and you don’t have to be a genius to figure it out. The reason behind this is the subject of rumors at the high school. Some of them assumed Rachel and Shelia were romantically involved. Perhaps they wanted to get rid of Skylar so she wouldn’t tell anyone. This was later confirmed when Skylar wrote in her journal about seeing her best pals making out. When the girls decided to drink, they were having a sleepover. They covertly drank their parents’ alcohol, just like every other teenager!

They also discovered her journal