Experts Sealed The World’s Deepest Man-Made Hole Because Of What They Found

Published on 08/02/2021

Diving Into The Unknown

The crew was on a mission to explore the unknown. A documentary can tell you more about it! The executive producer, James Honeyborne, admitted that there were setbacks along the way. Reaching Iceberg Alley was like “a giant game of Space Invaders,” he told the BBC. It wasn’t just getting to the right place that was difficult for them. Other factors hampered their progress as well.

Diving Into The Unknown

Diving Into The Unknown


So Many Unknowns

For one thing, the team had no idea how their submarines would perform in such a hostile environment. After all, the depth was going to put a lot of strain on it. However, as soon as they began to descend, these concerns faded. They discovered an incredible ecosystem of amazing creatures beneath the waves. Even better, the team discovered one that they named after a key character from the Star Wars saga!

So Many Unknowns

So Many Unknowns