30+ Hilarious Movie And TV Bloopers You Never Noticed!

Published on 11/09/2023

Legolas goes through some wardrobe changes between LOTR and The Hobbit

  • Movie: The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit franchises
  • Year: 2001 – 2014
  • Mistake: Legolas’ eyes get lighter in the second franchise

When we base characters on ones from novels, we already have something to work with when it comes to developing their appearance. Unfortunately, this means that fans will have something to compare the ones on the big screen to when they see them for the first time. That was the case with Legolas in several films. ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘The Hobbit,’ both directed by Peter Jackson, feature the figure. We only have one question: how did Legolas’ character alter eye colors across franchises despite the fact that the same team was working behind the scenes? It’s certainly an out of the ordinary decision for the character.

Legolas Goes Through Some Wardrobe Changes Between LOTR And The Hobbit

Legolas Goes Through Some Wardrobe Changes Between LOTR And The Hobbit


Those swinging Spider-Man scenes seem to cause more issues than necessary

  • Movie: Spider-Man
  • Year: 2002
  • Mistake: Spider-Man is replaced with a mannequin and the wind blows in the wrong direction

If there’s one thing people have learnt in recent years, it’s that superhero movies have been given a fresh lease on life. Plenty of celebrities make it their duty to play the most famous heroes and villains, with Tobey Maguire stepping up to play the eponymous character in ‘Spider-Man’ back in 2002. Spider-Man is swinging through the city in one scene when he captures and saves Mary Jane. Even still, if you rewatch the scene, you’ll realize Spidey has been replaced by a somewhat stiff mannequin. To top it all off, despite swinging back into the wind, Mary Jane’s hair is somehow blowing away from her face.

Those Swinging Spider Man Scenes Seem To Cause More Issues Than Necessary

Those Swinging Spider Man Scenes Seem To Cause More Issues Than Necessary