Marie Osmond: A Fascinating And Heartfelt Journey

Published on 09/10/2024

Donny & Marie

Marie Osmond, now a star in her own right, was given with an opportunity that she and her family couldn’t pass up. Donny Osmond, her brother, had become the most popular heartthrob among their fans. The thought of putting the teenage brother and sister on stage together and capitalizing on their combined attraction was too tempting to pass up. Donny and Marie recorded and released “I’m Leaving It Up to You” and “Morning Side of the Mountain” as duets in 1974. As expected, they were both major hits, as was the accompanying album, I’m Leaving It All Up To You. In 1975, the two young stars had their own variety television show, Donny & Marie. It seems that everything they touched turned to gold.

Donny & Marie

Donny & Marie


Occupational Harassment

Marie Osmond was only 16 years old when the first episode of Donny & Marie aired, but that didn’t stop older males from making her days on set quite uncomfortable. She later claimed how numerous guest stars treated her sexually, with comedian Groucho Marx standing out as a particularly notable example of being “a dirty old man” after pinching her. If that wasn’t enough, producers kept telling her she needed to lose weight. They described her as “obese” and “disgusting and a disgrace”. She weighed 103 pounds and was still only a teenager.

Workplace Harassment

Occupational Harassment