Amilia’s highly wealthy parents are shocked to learn that the father of their future son Bradon-in-law is a humble janitor. They don’t want that man around their family… They make fun of him and bully him until he feels absolutely inferior to them. But when he finally shows up for the wedding, he brings a present that utterly outshines everything Amilia’s parents tried to achieve. All they could do was respect Brandon’s janitor father…
Threatening Nicolai’s Dad
After attempting to intimidate Bradon’s father Nicolai into not attending the wedding, Amilia’s family was dissatisfied that he had still attended “their” wedding. And they’d be even more irritated when he eventually outperformed them on it…

Threatening Nicolai’s Dad
Not What Amilia’s Family Had Hoped For
Amilia’s family had made certain that Nicolai would be the last to receive gifts. They wanted his gift to appear insignificant in comparison to their gift, which the wedding couple had already received. But this is not what truly happened…

Not What Amilia’s Family Had Hoped For