Anxious Small Talk
Gianni and Mr. Tataki made small talk, while Rose sipped anxiously on her tea. They had discovered that Mr. Tataki’s first name was Shinji, and the family had been based in Boston for nearly 10 years, pursuing PhDs. It turned out that Shinji and Mrs. Tataki had met during orientation at college ten years ago, fell in love and stayed in Boston permanently. It was only after marriage and years of trying for a baby that they turned to IVF. After becoming pregnant, they decided to move back to Japan so that their child could grow up around family. Rose suddenly heard noise coming from the stairs.

Anxious Small Talk
Mrs. Tataki Joined
“Ah, that must be Akari”, Shinji said. Mrs. Tataki, or Akari, entered the room and seemed exhausted. She was huge. To be fair, anyone around 8 months pregnant would expect to be that size. “It’s so nice to meet you”, Rose said. “Despite the circumstances”, she added, a little more glumly. “Ah yes”, Akari replied. “We must sort this mess out shouldn’t we”. “Let me just get a cup of tea, then we will sit and discuss it all”. Rose and Gianni waited nervously.

Mrs. Tataki Joined