Meeting Mr. Tataki
“Konnichiwa, welcome”, a man said to Rose and Gianni. They assumed this to be Mr. Tataki. Not only was his English at a very high level, but his accent sounded a little Boston-y. “What should I call you? What are your surnames?”, he asked. “You can call us the Maldinis”, Gianni replied. This was the first time Rose had ever heard him say that. It became surreal that they were going to be married soon. She would become Rose Maldini. She quickly refocused on the task at hand, the baby.

Meeting Mr. Tataki
Where Was Mrs. Tataki?
“I hope the flight wasn’t too bad”, Mr. Tataki said. Gianni explained how it wasn’t so bad, they were just happy to be here so that they could sort this whole situation out. “So where is Mrs. Tataki?”, Rose asked politely. Mr. Tataki turned to look at her and smiled. “She is taking what the Americans call an afternoon siesta“, he said laughing. “She will join us shortly”. “In the meantime, would you like a tea?”, he asked. Rose accepted.

Where Was Mrs. Tataki?