Funny Fails That Demonstrate Why Certain Women (And Guys) Shouldn’t Drive

Published on 04/05/2023

Unscathed, But The Car Is Not

This photograph depicts a major car collision that occurred in Kyiv, Ukraine. A huge jeep is seen flipped on its side, flanked by two more autos with considerable damage facing opposite ways. Despite the intensity of the collision, the two female occupants of the 2005 BMW appear to be unharmed, thanks to their airbags being deployed successfully. They appear unconcerned by the scenario as they walk away from the area. Despite the wreckage, it is reassuring to know that the girls escaped the disaster unscathed. The sophisticated airbag design of high-end vehicles can save lives.

Unscathed, But The Car Is Not

Unscathed, But The Car Is Not


Excuse Me! Where Is the next Parking Lot?

Have you ever circled a packed parking lot around the holidays, only to discover that there are no empty places near the store? While it may be tempting to bring the car inside, we are all aware that this is not permitted. However, it appears that one person took matters into their own hands—and their car—in an unexpected manner. Perhaps they overestimated the distance and slammed the accelerator instead of reversing. Whatever the situation, their vehicle is now parked in an office or apartment. We can only image how difficult it must have been to pull it out!

Excuse Me! Where Is The Next Parking Lot

Excuse Me! Where Is The Next Parking Lot