So, Trekkies, we meet again. Actually, this is our third meeting under similar conditions. The circumstances are that we want to tell you what’s been going on with the cast of your favorite franchise. Sure, we’d published two pieces regarding the celebs’ present undertakings and whereabouts, but we weren’t done. After all, the series has existed for literally decades. There are a lot of people to keep track of, and one thing we don’t like is missing information. This is how we (and you) got up with a third installment detailing everything that has happened with the people who put the “Star” in “Star Trek.”

30+ Star Trek Stars And What They’re Doing Now
Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham
This actress is well-known for both “Star Trek: Discovery” and her appearance in “The Walking Dead.” Martin-Green made his television debut in 2008 with “Law & Order.” In 2016, she landed Michael Burnham on “Discovery.” Burnham is exiled for life for committing mutiny. After barely six months of service, she is decided to be a benefit in the war against the Klingons and is brought back aboard the USS Discovery. The role was modeled on Nichelle Nichols’ Uhura. Martin-Green appeared as Tamara in “Once Upon a Time” and Michelle Terry in “NYC 22.”

Sonequa Martin Green As Michael Burnham