Woman’s Life Completely Turns Around After Transforming A Bus Into A Mobile Home

Published on 03/13/2023

The Project Is Finished

After three years of blood, sweat, and tears, Jessie was finally able to take a pleased look at her new house. Although this sounds alarming, the young woman paid over $70,000 to finish the renovation. Nonetheless, it is obvious that Jessie actually made a significant financial gain in the process when you take into account how much a typical Manhattan apartment costs. When it was finished, Jessie couldn’t wait to show the world her masterpiece.

The Project Is Finished

The Project Is Finished


Looking At The Exterior

The bus’s outside was important to Jessie, but the interior would ultimately determine whether the transformation was successful or unsuccessful. The bus’s shape didn’t change, but Jessie had it entirely painted from top to bottom. Jessie thought it would appear cleaner if the house underwent an all-white paint job, even though it was already primarily white with a red, white, and blue stripe pattern running through its center.

Looking At The Exterior

Looking At The Exterior