Cutting The Bus In Half
In order to create a more comfortable living space on the bus due to his height, Talley needed to raise the ceiling. With the help of several friends, he cut the roof in two places, which was a nerve-wracking experience as they came close to damaging the bus. However, it was the only viable option available. Talley had customized aluminum sleeves produced to replace the original ceiling, which added an additional 20 inches to the height of the bus. Originally, Talley had intended to raise the ceiling by 24 inches, but his friends convinced him that it was too ambitious, and he should settle for 20 inches instead.

Cutting The Bus In Half
Everybody Raise The Roof
Talley documented the process of raising the bus’s ceiling online, and although people continuously joked about “raising the roof,” it was a challenging procedure. Talley’s initial goal was to add two feet of additional space with the new ceiling, but his friends convinced him that it would be too complicated. Using screw jacks and with the help of his friends, they lifted the roof to the desired height on the first attempt. Scaffolding was used to keep everything in place while Talley worked on the bus’s construction. Despite the difficulty of the task, they managed to complete it successfully.

Everybody Raise The Roof