Gang Activity
As Peter Der Manuelian pointed out in an interview with New Scientist in 2011, it is possible that the markings were merely an example of typical graffiti at the time. “Red-painted numbers and graffiti are very common around Giza. They are often masons’ or work-gangs’ marks, denoting numbers, dates or even the names of the gangs.”

Gang Activity
Footage From A Camera
The camera that the specialists employed this time around was capable of capturing film around sharp corners, which proved to be beneficial in this situation. And, as one of the device’s creators said, it was crucial in dispelling some of the most outlandish notions about the doors’ construction. New Scientist reported that Shaun Whitehead discovered that the pins “end in small, beautifully made loops, indicating that they were more likely ornamental loops than electrical connections.” “Our new pictures from behind the pins show that they end in small, beautifully made loops,” Whitehead explained.

Footage From A Camera